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Viernes 10 de junio 11.00 hrs.

"Attoscience, Ultrafast Optics - how and what for? "

Jens Biegert (ICFO, España)

Jens Biegert obtained his bachelor degree from the University of Würzburg in Germany, the Master of Science in Physics on "Second Harmonic Pulse Compression" from the University of New Mexico (UNM), U.S.A., and his Ph.D. from the Technical University Munich, Germany on "Polychromatic Multi-Photon Coherent Excitation of Sodium". His research focuses on the theoretical description and experimental realization of highly tunable, high-power multi-color sources and their application in extreme nonlinear optics and strong field physics. Investigations led to the generation of one of the shortest laser pulses (3.8 fs), demonstration of phase-preserving OPCPA, to filamentation for phase-preserving few-cycle pulse generation, demonstration of coherent control in high-harmonic generation (HHG), and the demonstration of attosecond wavepacket steering. He has received awards from the German Academic Exchange DAAD, German Merit Foundation and the Allen Award of OSA. He currently leads the Attoscience and ultrafast Optics group at ICFO and he is a member of the Optical Society of America (OSA), the American Physical Society (APS), and the German Physical Society (DPG).

Attoscience is one of the fastest growing fields in physics dealing with electronic dynamics in atoms, molecules and plasmas. I will talk about the basic underlying principles on how to generate attosecond pulses, the tools necessary, challenges as well as an outlook and applications. This kind of research is highly interdisciplinary and intimately linked to the availability of extremely well controlled and intense laser pulses. It is a seeming paradox that especially long wavelength driver sources are beneficial to generate highest photon energies up to the keV range. I will present our current development of such long wavelength sources of few cycle and carrier to envelope phase stable pulses.


Martes 7 de Junio, 11:00 hs.

"Es la emergencia de la Física un aspecto necesario de la evolución histórica o algo que sucedió por casualidad"

Dr. Angel Plastino. Investigador Superior del CONICET.
Profesor Emérito de la Facultad de Cs.Exactas. UNLP

Profesor Adjunto -Instituto de Física Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV)

Current orthodoxies of New Age romanticism, political correctness and multiculturalism assert that the core of scientific thinking is a natural development latent in all evolving civilizations.
Indeed, most people, including scientists themselves, believe that physics arose as a natural end-product of our innate intelligence and curiosity, as an inevitable stage in human intellectual development.
On the contrary, we argue that far from being natural, physical thinking goes so far against the grain of conventional human thought that if it had not been discovered as the end-result of a rather long series of lucky accidents, it might not have been discovered at all.
In this talk we recapitulate this long series and discuss its reversibility.


Jueves 10 de Marzo, 15:00 hs.

"Técnicas experimentales para la caracterización de la propagación de luz en la atmósfera"

Dr. Darío G. Pérez

Profesor Adjunto -Instituto de Física Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV)

La atmósfera turbulenta experimenta y produce fluctuaciones aleatorias en el índice de refracción del aire. Entonces, estas variaciones espaciales y temporales afectan la propagación de la luz. Cualquier dispositivo óptico(telescopios astronómicos, sistemas de comunicaciones,etc.)se ve limitado en su rendimiento por la presencia de la turbulencia. En este seminario se describirán brevemente estos fenómenos, los nuevos modelos existentes y las técnicas experimentales empleadas para comprobarlos. Descargar
