Head: Dr. Mario Garavaglia


                  • Dra. Lía M.Zerbino(Co-Director)
                  • Ing. Anibal Laquidara
                  •Ing. Eduardo C. Cortizo
                  •Arq. Alexander Rodríguez
                  •Lic. Darío G. Pérez
                  •Lic. Ricardo Lepore
                  •Sr. Pablo F. Meilán
                  •Lic. Luciano J. Zunino


                  • Prof. Diego Palazzesi
                  • Srta. Paula Bergero
                  •Sr. Héctor Rioja Roldán


Work topics

  • Propagation and image formation through media with structured indexes of refraction, such as anisotropic media, GRIN media (Graded Index of refraction), optical fibers, etc.
  • Perturbations on the modal structure of a laser beam due to the propagation in a turbulent atmosphere at laboratory level.
  • Statistical deviations of the laser beam propagation produced by atmospheric perturbations in experiments at laboratory and fields levels.
  • Statistical deviations of the auto-image formation of a grade produced by the atmospheric
  • Transmission of a laser beam by turbid media.
  • Image formation by turbid and turbulent media using confocal scanning laser microscopy.

The most relevan works

  • It was found that the index of refraction of  air has a fractional Brownian behaviour.
  • The auto-images formation was explained by using the Feynman formalism.
  • A method for measuring the lacunarity of a fractal structure by using difraction was found.
  • Morphological variations of alive cells were determined by the introduction of a microscopical interferential technique.
  • Topographic variations of human foot were achieved in footstep by means of structured illumination.
  • A The basis for the formation of moiré by using hidden or implicit gradeswas established and an enlargement of the distance measurement was conducted.

Available equipment

  • Visible and infrared lasers.
  • A complete Optical bench and a complete optical table.
  • Detectors, photographic cameras, videocameras, CCD cameras.
  • Computers for calculation and simulation.
